Sunday 13 November 2011

5 Simple Seo Tips For Great Search Engine Results


Just a quick e-mail for improving your websites ranking in search engines
I scribbled down 5 basic SEO tips that are often overlooked by many pages
The owner.

Check your website and make sure you follow these simple steps for best results
in the SERPs.

 Make sure your web page for government securities, which you do or what you offer, it should
contain the first words of a customer would in a search engine (keywords) Type
When searching for your product or service. Create a unique title for each page of your

Good cover of "Trafficking healthy for children"
Bad page title "The Sweet Shop"

Your website meta description should be a short excerpt of what your site
or does the page, it's better than a call (to encourage people to click on your link) is used to act
Together with your relevant keywords, try not to keep more than two long rows.

Good description of "Healthy snacks and treats. For children of all ages. Try these ideas or
Use as a starting point for your children to invent their own healthy food ... "

Description Bad "We would not let our children eat sugar directly from sugar. But

We tend to think of the sugar ... Healthy snacks for kids - fact or fiction ... "

On the highest part of the body sites, you should have a section in most
Case is very similar to your page title. This is the best format to HTML
The correct headline headline <H1> tag here </ H1>, you can also H2, H3, H4, and so
to show subtitles on your side.

We often forget the file name of the web pages, instead of saving it to your page one frontpage.html
page.html or try a search term in the filename, such as the treatment separately for kids.html
each word with a hyphen - Note Do not rename the file index.html, index.htm, index.php or
Another file with the name as a keyword index.

 Add a text description to each image key locations (with no formatting images / VL)
only a few words for each picture allows search engines to understand what the picture
You can also use these images using keywords in the same way that seeing the name of the file.
So instead of image1. Gif healthy chocolate can treat.gif

Ok, I'm done for today. I know it's easy and you probably have most if not all of these
Hedged, but I'm sure it will help some people.

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