Sunday 13 November 2011

How to Increase Your Adsense Earnings


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Today I will explain how to increase your AdSense income pages with a few simple methods that I have collected over the years.

Yesterday, when I check my stats, as I do every day. I noticed my AdSense earnings were pretty good and slightly higher average salary than my AdSense days.

Here is a screenshot I have this morning shows yesterday's performance.

It shows that I made yesterday £ 28.75 Adsense turning into something more than $ 46 USD, not bad!

In fact, I had a lot of days that have produced higher returns, but it's not really the point I am trying to get at least have adsense here, for me it is to build a passive income.

I'm not for the money I have to work yesterday. Regular and recurring revenues from the work I did for weeks, months or even years in some cases.

Adsense is great because you work when you want and when your run it will provide an income for years.

Imagine a second: As for the work that you have paid a year ago!

You will also be paid for that work well tomorrow and the next day and the next ...

Adsense is powerful, and I recommend you to use it.

Now, on the Council

There are three factors that can be modified for the purpose of your AdSense revenue.

Impressions - The number of people who visit your site and your ads

CTR - Click Through Rate is the ratio of people clicking on your ads

CPC - The amount you pay for a click on your ads

Impressions increasing

An impression is recorded when a person sees one of your AdSense ads.

You can increase Impressions by increasing the amount of traffic to your website. With many valuable content to your site to ensure that you have a lot of traffic to your website. I define as something valuable content to visitors use, read, see, or hear, and profit.

Own website for people, not Google!

The second way you can increase Impressions, is to increase page views.

If you encourage people to visit more pages on your site the better chance of them clicking on your AdSense ads, so you earn money. The content is the key here is that you have a lot of content on your site make it easy for a person continues to read through your website. View links to related topics or articles that you think of the person enjoys reading and learning.

You can see an example of this trick in action at the bottom of this post "related posts" and see the right, "Recent Posts" It evolves to keep you on my side and engaged for as long as possible.

Another way to increase page views, is, with the visitors, followed by RSS subscribe to your newsletter email, Facebook etc.

Their rather this article because of the e-mail I sent you, and is one of the ways I read with my visitors, followed.

I share everything here! This is a reciprocal exchange between you and visitors as the content they provide deliver clicks.

Remember, you get what you put into it.

Increasing CTR

Your CTR will vary greatly by your pages and websites, if you have more than one, I think a good click through rate to around 3-5%, but I have sites that will be much higher or lower than seen on a regular basis.

If your main source of income is from AdSense, you probably need at least 1% hit for a reasonable amount for your time spent, content sites. Note that the CTR is only part of the equation, it is possible to have a very low click rates, but if they provide high CPC and impressions that a good income.

To increase your clickthrough rate, you can specify the number of Adsense blocks per page, as this would increase the overall impression of the advertising on your site.

You can also use the number of ad units on your websites. Try different sizes and formats (links, text, images, mixed).

The location is very important to your CTR and usually you will get more clicks if your ads are placed where the eye of the visitor to scan the contents of the page. Side banners are less effective in most cases, but can significantly clicks if it's near the navigation buttons or links to other sites is located.

Note: Be careful when you place your ads and how it shows! Do not try to light of misleading or confusing to get the visitors, as it is against the Adsense TOS. An example would be a navigation menu that is equal to the size and color than one with an AdSense ad block next door. Also keep ads away from what you downloaded here or here, as this lead to problems with Google says.

Another great way to increase CTR, but at the expense of the visitor experience must be identified and should be used in certain scenarios. Is to create what I describe as a side exit. Leave your website pages are the core, have the content, but can be removed by clicking on your Adsense ads or on the back button. Use this tip with caution and only on your pages deep.

Do you think that the fundamentals of the CTR increases.

Increasing cost per click

Two major factors contribute to your CPC:

Online Content

Demographics of the visitors / Location

Its contents can be written to provide a high value visitors and increase your CPC I recommend that you use the Keyword Tool from Google AdWords and reviewed some research on your targeted keywords with a CPC column. You have some juicy phrases you not think, then all you have to do is create content for these new keyword phrases to reveal.

In the above example of "Dog Training" You can see the words better paying keywords in this section are educational institutions with a CPC of £ 0.71 and the worst thing for dog training tips are charged with a CPC of £ 0.27. Sun it must pay for everything else was equal to an article you wrote about the dog training schools more than your article about dog training tips.

Generally, larger markets or buyer of a ticket (high prices) provides elements higher cost per click services and insurance are examples of Finacial these high ticket / CPC topics.

It is logical, the CPC rate, before you think about your next piece of content.

The second important factor in your rate of pay CPC is your visitor demographic / social group and location, because when customers place their ads on the content network, you choose which of their ads. Many advertisers selectivlely select the best people, their product is suitable.

An example would be high fashion boutique from the street, and they would most women from 18-50 likely target 50 miles from their shop in old age.

Design your website for your visitors, but be aware of the population, it might be in a market that is not to win cash rich happen to advertisers.

This issue is for many games and social media sites, because they attract many young people, but have difficulty advertisers interested in buying the Adspace available. Unless, of course, the advertiser is in the gaming market, and even if the CCP is probably very low.

Test your content and check your CPC with visitors to the different types, since every site is different and the market.

Use Google Analytics to use to check the demographics of visitors, or to try to to check on the websites of other peoples.

Ok that's it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and you put these tips into practice, I am convinced that these small changes is to increase your Adsense revenue sites.

If you want more information, please some of these adsense guides I personally used to the income on my own website.

Adsense Cash Craze

Secrets Adsense Domination

Build your own Adsense Empire

Adsense Revenue Exposed

Please do not hesitate to comment below and share your tips, ideas or suggestions on this topic.

Have a great day


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