Sunday 13 November 2011

Video: Website Design Tips For Better Search Engine Results

Today I finally had time to make a video that shows some of the things I used to increase my results in the search engines create.

By increasing your website visibility in search engines means more visitors to your website.

Please note that this is my first video and it is a little rough around the edges, I'm also a little cold.

The topics covered in this video

page Title

page descriptions


Anchor text

Title tags

File Name page

File Name & Image Alt Tags

These are all basic areas, should look out for I describe why each area is important and how to use the best for the best results.

All three videos below or separated (20 min duration) you look higher quality video version only here

part 1

5 Simple Seo Tips For Great Search Engine Results


Just a quick e-mail for improving your websites ranking in search engines
I scribbled down 5 basic SEO tips that are often overlooked by many pages
The owner.

Check your website and make sure you follow these simple steps for best results
in the SERPs.

 Make sure your web page for government securities, which you do or what you offer, it should
contain the first words of a customer would in a search engine (keywords) Type
When searching for your product or service. Create a unique title for each page of your

Good cover of "Trafficking healthy for children"
Bad page title "The Sweet Shop"

Your website meta description should be a short excerpt of what your site
or does the page, it's better than a call (to encourage people to click on your link) is used to act
Together with your relevant keywords, try not to keep more than two long rows.

Good description of "Healthy snacks and treats. For children of all ages. Try these ideas or
Use as a starting point for your children to invent their own healthy food ... "

Description Bad "We would not let our children eat sugar directly from sugar. But

We tend to think of the sugar ... Healthy snacks for kids - fact or fiction ... "

On the highest part of the body sites, you should have a section in most
Case is very similar to your page title. This is the best format to HTML
The correct headline headline <H1> tag here </ H1>, you can also H2, H3, H4, and so
to show subtitles on your side.

We often forget the file name of the web pages, instead of saving it to your page one frontpage.html
page.html or try a search term in the filename, such as the treatment separately for kids.html
each word with a hyphen - Note Do not rename the file index.html, index.htm, index.php or
Another file with the name as a keyword index.

 Add a text description to each image key locations (with no formatting images / VL)
only a few words for each picture allows search engines to understand what the picture
You can also use these images using keywords in the same way that seeing the name of the file.
So instead of image1. Gif healthy chocolate can treat.gif

Ok, I'm done for today. I know it's easy and you probably have most if not all of these
Hedged, but I'm sure it will help some people.

How to Increase Your Adsense Earnings


Thank you for visiting my blog.

Today I will explain how to increase your AdSense income pages with a few simple methods that I have collected over the years.

Yesterday, when I check my stats, as I do every day. I noticed my AdSense earnings were pretty good and slightly higher average salary than my AdSense days.

Here is a screenshot I have this morning shows yesterday's performance.

It shows that I made yesterday £ 28.75 Adsense turning into something more than $ 46 USD, not bad!

In fact, I had a lot of days that have produced higher returns, but it's not really the point I am trying to get at least have adsense here, for me it is to build a passive income.

I'm not for the money I have to work yesterday. Regular and recurring revenues from the work I did for weeks, months or even years in some cases.

Adsense is great because you work when you want and when your run it will provide an income for years.

Imagine a second: As for the work that you have paid a year ago!

You will also be paid for that work well tomorrow and the next day and the next ...

Adsense is powerful, and I recommend you to use it.

Now, on the Council

There are three factors that can be modified for the purpose of your AdSense revenue.

Impressions - The number of people who visit your site and your ads

CTR - Click Through Rate is the ratio of people clicking on your ads

CPC - The amount you pay for a click on your ads

Impressions increasing

An impression is recorded when a person sees one of your AdSense ads.

You can increase Impressions by increasing the amount of traffic to your website. With many valuable content to your site to ensure that you have a lot of traffic to your website. I define as something valuable content to visitors use, read, see, or hear, and profit.

Own website for people, not Google!

The second way you can increase Impressions, is to increase page views.

If you encourage people to visit more pages on your site the better chance of them clicking on your AdSense ads, so you earn money. The content is the key here is that you have a lot of content on your site make it easy for a person continues to read through your website. View links to related topics or articles that you think of the person enjoys reading and learning.

You can see an example of this trick in action at the bottom of this post "related posts" and see the right, "Recent Posts" It evolves to keep you on my side and engaged for as long as possible.

Another way to increase page views, is, with the visitors, followed by RSS subscribe to your newsletter email, Facebook etc.

Their rather this article because of the e-mail I sent you, and is one of the ways I read with my visitors, followed.

I share everything here! This is a reciprocal exchange between you and visitors as the content they provide deliver clicks.

Remember, you get what you put into it.

Increasing CTR

Your CTR will vary greatly by your pages and websites, if you have more than one, I think a good click through rate to around 3-5%, but I have sites that will be much higher or lower than seen on a regular basis.

If your main source of income is from AdSense, you probably need at least 1% hit for a reasonable amount for your time spent, content sites. Note that the CTR is only part of the equation, it is possible to have a very low click rates, but if they provide high CPC and impressions that a good income.

To increase your clickthrough rate, you can specify the number of Adsense blocks per page, as this would increase the overall impression of the advertising on your site.

You can also use the number of ad units on your websites. Try different sizes and formats (links, text, images, mixed).

The location is very important to your CTR and usually you will get more clicks if your ads are placed where the eye of the visitor to scan the contents of the page. Side banners are less effective in most cases, but can significantly clicks if it's near the navigation buttons or links to other sites is located.

Note: Be careful when you place your ads and how it shows! Do not try to light of misleading or confusing to get the visitors, as it is against the Adsense TOS. An example would be a navigation menu that is equal to the size and color than one with an AdSense ad block next door. Also keep ads away from what you downloaded here or here, as this lead to problems with Google says.

Another great way to increase CTR, but at the expense of the visitor experience must be identified and should be used in certain scenarios. Is to create what I describe as a side exit. Leave your website pages are the core, have the content, but can be removed by clicking on your Adsense ads or on the back button. Use this tip with caution and only on your pages deep.

Do you think that the fundamentals of the CTR increases.

Increasing cost per click

Two major factors contribute to your CPC:

Online Content

Demographics of the visitors / Location

Its contents can be written to provide a high value visitors and increase your CPC I recommend that you use the Keyword Tool from Google AdWords and reviewed some research on your targeted keywords with a CPC column. You have some juicy phrases you not think, then all you have to do is create content for these new keyword phrases to reveal.

In the above example of "Dog Training" You can see the words better paying keywords in this section are educational institutions with a CPC of £ 0.71 and the worst thing for dog training tips are charged with a CPC of £ 0.27. Sun it must pay for everything else was equal to an article you wrote about the dog training schools more than your article about dog training tips.

Generally, larger markets or buyer of a ticket (high prices) provides elements higher cost per click services and insurance are examples of Finacial these high ticket / CPC topics.

It is logical, the CPC rate, before you think about your next piece of content.

The second important factor in your rate of pay CPC is your visitor demographic / social group and location, because when customers place their ads on the content network, you choose which of their ads. Many advertisers selectivlely select the best people, their product is suitable.

An example would be high fashion boutique from the street, and they would most women from 18-50 likely target 50 miles from their shop in old age.

Design your website for your visitors, but be aware of the population, it might be in a market that is not to win cash rich happen to advertisers.

This issue is for many games and social media sites, because they attract many young people, but have difficulty advertisers interested in buying the Adspace available. Unless, of course, the advertiser is in the gaming market, and even if the CCP is probably very low.

Test your content and check your CPC with visitors to the different types, since every site is different and the market.

Use Google Analytics to use to check the demographics of visitors, or to try to to check on the websites of other peoples.

Ok that's it.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and you put these tips into practice, I am convinced that these small changes is to increase your Adsense revenue sites.

If you want more information, please some of these adsense guides I personally used to the income on my own website.

Adsense Cash Craze

Secrets Adsense Domination

Build your own Adsense Empire

Adsense Revenue Exposed

Please do not hesitate to comment below and share your tips, ideas or suggestions on this topic.

Have a great day


Saturday 12 November 2011

How to Increase Websites and blogsTraffic

How to increase traffic for your blogspot

Increase Website Traffic
To make money online would be best needed to get more and more traffic to your website.

In this article we will try to explore some basic tips and tricks on the road and make our future posts we will try to learn some tips and tricks for SEO, and generate more traffic to your site rank better in google.
    The content must be original, free and good quality. The most recommended and very effective way to attract visitors. Try to keep the people something that they can not find anywhere else, or at least not to the level of quality that you offer. Create useful content, do not try to do everything possible content on your website from other websites. It will be easy, does not generate traffic. Keep cool and try until now, things often write and maintain your website or blog, updated daily. Add new content and fresh every day. I recommend that every week. Outsource article writing, if you do not write articles. Get backlinks to your website. Try more backlinks to your site from other websites with high PR. Visit the discussion forums related to your niche and participate in discussions. Remember to leave because your website link in your signature, it can cause some readers to visit your site and also provides a link back to your website.

Improve the ranking of search engines

        Your content must have keywords in it. Make sure the keywords flow naturally with the content. Do not key text in pictures. Search engines will not pick. Try to write key words in bold.

          Search engines take a long time to index a new website and domain name. They take time to index content. In the meantime, continue to provide quality content for your website to add and keep up to date.

Free techniques to increase your website traffic
Increase Website Traffic                    There are many creative ways to increase traffic to your website. Some will cost you money, and some won't. Below you'll find many legitimate ways (ranging from free to costly) to boost the number of visitors to your website. But if you don't have so much as a cent to spare, read How to Increase Website Traffic for Free.

  1. >>>>Search Engine Optimization is how you get your website on search engines. This can not be stressed enough. You can do this by generating useful content such as articles and blogs, social networks and the development of multimedia to do. Sounds simple, but it's a tough job. However, you can distribute your content strategically at various locations while maintaining your niche target in mind.
  2. After on page optimization you can go, you build your links to your website. With backlinks, search engines will index your site immediately after finding the links. No need to submit your site to search engines themselves. Your backlinks will do the work for you.
  3. This can not without a little effort, if there are companies on the net, things difficult for you, could happen at a reasonable price.
Improve your web presence

Offer free, original content and the quality of your website. This is the most effective way to drive traffic to a website, the people something that they can not get elsewhere, or at least not to the level of quality that will increase. Ways to ensure that superior competitors or your content is unique:
  • Creating content that is interesting and useful. Just tinkering with information from another Web site does not generate traffic. You need to give visitors the information they need to achieve a goal, solve a problem, have fun, explore new quality and a good laugh.
  • Keep it fresh. For repeat visits, it is important to provide regular updates on the site, particularly in areas frequently visited. Add fresh content daily if possible at least a week.
  • For a website fully functional and effective, you must make sure your tags are available and you are your links are not broken. You must also send a sitemap.xml file to Google that your site will appear in the search engine Google. It is a tool that sites only missed the event during the day and links and creates a sitemap.xml file for free inspection. It gives results in minutes.
  • Outsource article writing. If you do not like the idea of ​​creating content yourself or your team is not experienced in writing consider outsourcing this task. Depending on the length, content, specialization and quality required, prices start at $ 5 apiece. However, do not neglect to try to write your own work - who knows you better than your own business, hobby or club and express exactly what needs to be said? Sit down and start to write an article. They can be very impressed when you're done!
  • Add Video to Your Landing Pages (VLP - Video Landing Page) that is informative and relevant to your website. To improve revered studies show that good can video conversions and page ranking more than most other products, you can add to your pages.
  • Use Landing Pages for early fulfillment of your PPC ad.
  • Start of the competition. He created you instant traffic. You can search for glasses Free program sponsor and do not constitute such a frequency.
2>>>>Trying to get more backlinks on your website this may help to increase the traffic.
          Get a proofreader. Poor spelling and grammar reflect badly on the services and             information being provided; avoid unwarranted negative judgments by getting the writing in order prior to publication online.
Avoid content generators. While these were once the delight of a fledgling web industry, they are no longer useful. Putting your own team's creativity online is what is useful.
Never copy and paste from another website - Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines are too smart for this nowadays and will detect copied and unoriginal content, sending you to the bottom of the pile.

Improve your search engine ranking by focusing your content on keywords related to your 
Improve your search engine ranking by focusing your content on keywords related to your topic.
Improve your search
 engine ranking by focusing
 your content on keywords
 related to your topic.
topic.Improve your search engine ranking by focusing your content on keywords related to your topic. This is called search engine optimization and will help people find your website when they're searching the Web. Make sure the keywords flow naturally with the text and when you are brainstorming for good words, ask around for words that come naturally to people of all ages when looking for your type of site. To help you understand better, realize that the keywords not only go into headings and page names but also into "meta tags". "Meta tags" are the software code that website visitors do not see but search engines do. Finally, don't overdo the keywords; over-stuffing keywords will result in a very low search ranking for your website. Also, be very careful not to place key text inside graphics; search engines cannot pick up graphics.

Get linked.Get linked. This is a very important part of website management. Exchange links. Trading links with other websites that are closely related to the subject of your website can bring you more website traffic. These are two-way links because you must provide a link to them, too, and linking to low-quality websites can threaten the credibility of yours. Only link to sites that are dead on topic, and truly help your visitors. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc.

Be sure to not be too excessive with your link exchanges and do not make this your entire link building method.

Google webmaster guidelines specifically says to not engage in link schemes including "Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")"

Advertise your presence.Advertise your presence. Besides using links, you must make use of numerous other ways to increase web traffic. Sit down and write a list of all the ways you can think of to get your web address noticed and clicked on. For example:
Advertise your presence.
Advertise your presence.
If you have money - consider pay per click. The big search engines like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft provide schemes. But find out first how to limit your expenditure to the level you want.
Use e-zines. Make your own that relate to your website and form a regular reminder each issue for people to visit your website. Submit all the free e-zine directories on the internet.
Submit your articles to e-zines, websites and writing sites that accept article submissions. Include your business information and web address at the end of the article. This is a good way to create one-way backlinks to your website. This is the most effective way to get listed on any search engine. Usually, the more relevant links you have pointing to your site the higher you will rank.
Go beyond the electronic medium and into the print medium. Advertise in local newspapers, business brochures, magazines, nationwide publications and mail-drop literature. And don't forget the perennial favorite, the good old Yellow Pages™ - printed version naturally!
Small business cards left in cafés, on signboards, exchanged at meetings etc.
Use local resources such as clubs, libraries and community centers for non-profit website awareness raising.
Participate on message boards. Post answers to other people's questions, ask questions and post appropriate information. Include your signature file containing your website's URL at the end of all your postings.
Start your own online discussion community. It could be an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community, they will regularly return to communicate with others.
Use word of mouth. Tell everyone you know about your website, give out business cards to passers-by in the street, and so on. You might even want to run a guerrilla marketing program!
Use your car, especially if your website is area-specific (e.g. a website detailing local events or selling local services). Get some vinyl decals or bumper stickers created and turn your car into a moving advertisement, literally driving traffic to your web site!

Give freebies.
Give freebies.
Give freebies.Give freebies. Who doesn't like a freebie?! Online freebies are commonplace and they leave the visitor wanting more when they are well written and informative introductory materials. Consider such freebies as:

Giving away an eBook with your ad on it. Allow your visitors to also give the freebie away. This'll increase your ad exposure and increase web traffic to your website at the same time;
Holding free online classes or seminars. They could be held in your website's chat room. The idea of "live" information will definitely entice people to visit your website. You will become known as an expert on the topic.
Giving visitors a free entry into your contest or sweepstakes. The prizes should be something of interest or value to your visitors. Most people who enter will continually revisit your web site to get the results.
Letting visitors download free software such as freeware, shareware, demos etc. You could even turn part of your site into a free software directory. If you created the software, include your ad inside and let other people give it away.
Targeting specific groups who might worry about using the internet with free classes in using it on your site - senior citizens, busy workers etc. might find these convenient and alluring.
Offering free online services or utilities from your website. For instance, they could be search engine submitting, copywriting, proofreading etc. The service or utility should be helpful to your target audience.
Giving free consulting to people who visit your website. You could offer your knowledge via e-mail or by telephone. People will consider this a huge value because consulting fees can be very expensive.
Offering a free start-up package that has a finite time; enough time for the customer to practice with your online product and like it enough to pay for continued use.
Sending out free CD-Roms, CDs, DVDs etc. that contain starter packs or teasers to encourage the customer to use your site more.
Offering free screensavers or templates for business cards, cards, writing paper etc., anything that a customer can print out.

Be patient.Be patient.Be patient. Search engines need a lot of time to index a new website and domain. They need time to index all your content; it's worth the wait and should be factored into your website profitability and/or popularity timeline. In the meantime, continue to add high quality content to your website and keep it up to date and relevant.

Use all of these free techniques to increase traffic to your website:,,, drop flyers, chat rooms, forums, Youtube, Myspace and Google Groups.

Google Adsense Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

I read some forums and blogs, Google Adsense tips lately, and I thought it would be helpful to consolidate as much as possible, a place without comment. I threw a few tricks of my own. We begin with some basic things in general and continue later with more specific topics.

Build an empire?

If you choose a website publisher, you will be placed into one of two broad categories:

Publish 100 websites that each earn $ 1 per day profit
Post a website that generates $ 100 per day profit
The reality is, most people end somewhere in between. After 100 websites leaves you with the problems of maintenance, management and content. With a website is considered for all types of fluctuations (search engines algorithm, market trends, etc.). You can put your plan on the way, but you will find it easier if you go in the direction you want to start finish.

General or niche

You can your website around general topics or niche to build. Niche sites are generally better with adsense. First, the ad targeting is much better. Secondly, as you have a narrow focus your writing naturally becomes more experienced in nature. Hope this makes you more authority in your field.

If this is your first attempt to build an AdSense site, there is something you enjoy. It will achieve the process much easier and less painful. However, you must make sure your theme is enough advertising inventory and payment is at a level you are comfortable. You may love medieval folk dancing, but the pool of advertisers for this issue is very small (in fact there is currently zero).

Once you receive the blow, such as Adsense is working on a site that you want to get involved in some high-paying keywords, you may even be tempted to buy a list of high paying keywords. It does come with some dangers. First is the level of fraud is much higher in terms of money. Second, there is a distortion of the supply and demand relationship of these concepts. Everyone wants ads on their website that make $ 35 or more with a click, but the number of advertisers who are willing to pay, which are much more limited. Moreover, the competition will be stiff for the road. So do not try to run with the big dogs if you can not comply. If you need to ask yourself whether you are a big dog, then chances are you are not. I have a high dollar keywords and was satisfied with my results (see cash keywords free offer recap).

New locations and file maintenance

When building a new website will not put AdSense on it until it is completed. In fact, I would even go further and say not to AdSense until you have built inbound links and traffic to get started. If you put a website with "lorem ipsum" dummy or placeholder text, your adsense ads will almost certainly irrelevant. This is often true for the new files on existing sites, especially when the topic is new or different. It can be offered days or weeks for Google media to your site and return targeted ads. TIP: If you ever start a lot of traffic allows for a variety of IP, it enables you to accelerate the process dramatically.

I build my sites using include files. I have the header, footer and navigation in common files. It makes it much easier to maintain and manage. I have my AdSense code into include files. If I / we would like to change must be that my AdSense code is a single file that I have to work with. TIP: I use the programming of the adsense on or off. I can change a global variable to true or false and my adsense ads appear or disappear.

URL handling and channels

Adsense channels is one area where it is easy to go overboard with stats. You can URL channels to compare how a site made for each other. You can also channels in each URL. If you wanted something like this channel to be done: - 728 Banner - 336 blocks - the link text - 728 Banner - banner image - 336 blocks - 300 blocks
Everything is excellent for testing and the clicks where and why it makes the relationship a little shaky. Their total number will always be right, but when you will break your look with a channel relationship things are often displayed and not by the correct amount. Makes it quite confusing to decide whether you really need / want that level of accounting. TIP: At least you want to know what URL to generate the revenue to be sure to enter the URL of clear criteria.

Site design and integration

Once you know, you go to insert AdSense on your site, you need to consider where to put it. Is this the new site is easier if an existing site, it is more difficult. Then there are people to be able to do so, in most cases I would say that if you are just the code AdSense, you end up franken site with a monster (accessory TEDsters of WMW for the buzzword) is . While each site is different, Google has some heat maps, published by the position. No wonder the best places are the middle and left side. Now I'm really well by doing it on the right, but you need to know why you do it this way before hand, and ready to change it if it does not work.

Google also released a list of the best performance values:

  •  336 × 280 large rectangle

  •   Rectangle 300 × 250 inline

  •  160 × 600 skyscraper area

Of the sites that I run, I can really well with the 336 rectangle and 160 skyscraper. Height is the most powerful 728 upcoming announcements Leaderboard, I do not really use the rectangle line 300 too often. So it really depends on how you integrate into your website. Placement can have a dramatic impact on performance. TIP:When working on a new site or new layout, you can always place its clean channel for a while until you learn more about user behavior.

Another "trick" that can increase your click through rate, is to copy by blending AdSense into your body. For example, if you copy your body is black, remove the borders and make Adsense black.TIP:title, text and URL: Try all of your links page with a high contrast color (like red or dark blue bold) then change change the AdSense title to the same color.

The only area where I blended displays is not working as well bodies, especially those with repeated high volumes of members. Regular visitors to banner blindness to develop fairly quickly. A "trick" is to keep the ads are ignored, the color and even the random placement. As with all decisions about location, location and color, there is a compromise. How much did you concentrate on the ads without interfering with your visitors. Remember that it is better to have a CTR of 1% with 500 regular visitors, as opposed to a 5% CTR with 50 visitors. TIP: For forums try placing Adsense ads directly above or below the first thread of the forum.

Use of images

One of the last "secret" to the use of images are placed directly above or below an adsense leaderboard. This has been used for a while, but was in a digital point forum thread where one member said, quadrupling their CTR released. Basically you set up AdSense on a table with four images, the line-up directly with the ads. Whether it is misleading, vague and very subjective. Obviously four blinking arrows would "attract people to click and be against the AdSense TOS. However, placing the image of 4 laptops over laptops ads is not, use the best decision here and the appearance of the advertiser or the prospect of Google. If you a question about your implementation is to write "on line" to adsense and ask them to take a look.

As for the pictures, I have it and can tell you it really works. You get the best results when the images tell the complete story of the ads'. "For example, if you have ads about apple pies, use images of freshly baked apple pie, instead of Granny Smith, Macintosh, Pink Lady, Braeburn apples. TIP: Do not limit yourself to using images only for this ad unit size, it works well with other variables, such as rectangle 336th

Added on:
I have some for criticizm and rightly so, that I'm not sure how I could have been. Do not use very identifiable brand names or products for your images. The use of non-specific generic pictures where possible and sensible.

Multiple ad units

Another way to increase advertising revenue is to use multiple ad units. According to Google's TOS, you may for up to three ad units per page. Similar to standard search results, the highest paying ad units, first served, and the lowest being served last. If there is enough advertising inventory, instead of all three ad units. However, you should pay attention to the payoffs. Current assumption is that 60% of sales ($ 0.05 a click, you get $ 0.03) received. So, when a click is payable on the third ad unit between 3-5 cents, you can refrain from your side. This is one is which way you have your ad units channels a value. When a set of ads is to provide a higher percentage of clicks that you are to ensure the highest paid advertisements are served. TIP:Use CSS positioning to get more out of your paid ads to serve in the place with the highest click through rate.

Adsense in RSS

With the growth of blogs and RSS feeds as you see adsense included in the feeds start now. IMHO, it does not work, and here's why:

  • You only get to place one ad unit.
  • You have no control over finding the ‘sweet spot’ for the ad unit.
  • The ads are usually poorly targeted (this is getting better).
  • People develop ‘banner blindness’.

I know that people like the ability to read is in their feed reader fully displayed, and there are at least a dozen other reasons for meaningful contributions to your users ask for mobile computing, all completely valid. However, if your site is to survive on generating AdSense revenue and bring them to the side and show them the ads hanging there.

Affiliate Sites

Placing Adsense on affiliate sites is tricky. Are you the sale of $ 10, $ 20 or $ 30 for leaving a $ 1-click? It's something you just have to test on your own understanding. If you are not converting now it is definitely worth a try. I like to use AdSense on my side of the unit. For example, say you had a partner website where you sold shoes. You will need some articles about "flesh out" the site. Things like "Get a shoe shine" or "you will find a shoe repair" these are great places to AdSense. Although you are not rich, they are usually a small steady income and cover things like hosting costs.TIP: If you find more than 50 pages of clicks per month add more pages to this subject, and bind the pages together . Mine connects you to search terms used.

PPC arbitrage

It is a touchy subject so I remain concrete examples. Basically, you bid on low volume terms over niche in a very low cost. To set the target page, which contains high payout ads for the related topic General. You are responsible for dealing with a large gap between the price you are bidding on AdWords and the price you were looking for on Adsense. If you pay $ 0.10 per click and $ 1.00 a click, you receive $ 0.90 per click. To approve your AdSense ads, you must "add value" on the way. You can make a killing or get taken to the cleaners with this, so make sure you know what you're doing before you try it.

For more tips, adsense tips or secrets? Send me an email and let me know, I give you credit.

728-ranking works well when it is directly above the end
"Above the fold" area on what your audience as the average
Window size, resolution / browser when there are few other enticing links
above the fold. Made for an interesting layout, but if you build
a site for AdSense, it may be worth. We receive regular
High CTR to do so.

Try sites that allow you to build quickly test all
the areas in the heatmap guide or at least gives you one described
large measure of freedom to easily change ad content / sites.

5 Simple Seo Tips For Great Search Engine Results


Just a quick e-mail for improving your websites ranking in search engines
I scribbled down 5 basic SEO tips that are often overlooked by many pages
The owner.

Check your website and make sure you follow these simple steps for best results

in the SERPs.

1) Make sure your web page for government securities, which you do or what you offer, it should
contain the first words of a customer would in a search engine (keywords) Type
When searching for your product or service. Create a unique title for each page of your

Good cover of "Trafficking healthy for children"
Bad page title "The Sweet Shop"

2) Your website meta description should be a short excerpt of what your site
or does the page, it's better than a call (to encourage people to click on your link) is used to act
Together with your relevant keywords, try not to keep more than two long rows.

Good description of "Healthy snacks and treats. For children of all ages. Try these ideas or
Use as a starting point for your children to invent their own healthy food ... "

Description Bad "We would not let our children eat sugar directly from sugar. But

We tend to think of the sugar ... Healthy snacks for kids - fact or fiction ... "
3) On the highest part of the body sites, you should have a section in most
Case is very similar to your page title. This is the best format to HTML
The correct headline headline <H1> tag here </ H1>, you can also H2, H3, H4, and so
to show subtitles on your side.

4) We often forget the file name of the web pages, instead of saving it to your page one frontpage.html
page.html or try a search term in the filename, such as the treatment separately for kids.html
each word with a hyphen - Note Do not rename the file index.html, index.htm, index.php or
Another file with the name as a keyword index.

5) Add a text description to each image key locations (with no formatting images / VL)
only a few words for each picture allows search engines to understand what the picture
You can also use these images using keywords in the same way that seeing the name of the file.
So instead of image1. Gif healthy chocolate can treat.gif

Ok, I'm done for today. I know it's easy and you probably have most if not all of these
Hedged, but I'm sure it will help some people.

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